Services Provided

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Symptoms of ADHD: INATTENTIVE-child has difficulty sustaining attention, difficulty organizing tasks, often loses things, easily distracted, and forgetful in daily tasks. HYPERACTIVITY- child is often on the go, often interrupts, talks excessively, blurts out answers, and has difficulty waiting. If your child exhibits these symptoms, please call for a free consultation.

Oppositional defiance disorder

Symptoms of ODD: child often loses temper, touchy or easily annoyed, often angry or resentful, argues with authority figures, defies or refuses to comply, annoys and blames others for their behavior, and can be spiteful or vindictive. ODD often co-occurs with ADHD.

If your child exhibits these symptoms, please call for a free consultation.

Where is your calming space?

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

  • Children 2-7 years old
  • Parent Involvement
  • Two treatment Phases
  • Builds strong relationships
  • Teaches your child how to manage their behavior
  • Improves communication between parent and child
  • Improves sharing and getting along with other children
  • Increases social skills
  • Results in a warmer relationship with your child
  • Learn to direct your child’s behavior effectively
  • Become more predictable in managing your child’s behavior

You deserve tranquility!


Infants, children, and young adults from ages 0-25. Individuals who struggle to cope with everyday challenges resulting in depression, anxiety, or stress.


Families with communication challenges, unable to get along, lack of cohesiveness, blended families, and divorced families.


Couples not sure of their future together, who struggle with communication, and persistent arguing.